The SBI Shinsei Bank Group (“the Group”) has clarified the material sustainability issues to be addressed in the medium to long term and established its sustainability targets in order for the Group to steadily solve those issues in a unified manner.

The Group's sustainability targets consist of eight areas based on the material sustainability issues in line with “achievement of sustainability through business activities,” one of the core strategies of its medium-term plan — “the SBI Shinsei Bank Group's Medium-Term Vision” commenced in fiscal year 2022, along with “responsibility to sustainable environment and society.” With those targets, the Group will seek to create a virtuous cycle in which we achieve sustainable growth for the Group and further contribute to the sustainability of the environment and society by engaging in businesses that solve customers' and society's environmental and social issues and gaining the support of customers.

• The SBI Shinsei Bank Group's Sustainability

• Sustainability Targets of the SBI Shinsei Bank Group

The progress made in fiscal year 2022