The SBI Shinsei Bank reviews its human resource systems and measures based on the perception that the most important issue for organizational growth is for all employees to demonstrate their capabilities and to be motivated in their work. In order to provide customers with optimal value, the Group works together to develop human resources, utilize human resources, and foster an organizational culture.
The SBI Shinsei Bank Group believes that human resources with diverse characteristics and values can continue to create new value as an organizational unit by recognizing and accepting each other’s existence and leveraging everyone’s respective strengths. We have been promoting the creation of systems and a corporate culture that enables us to acquire and secure a diverse range of human resources to realize continuous value creation. In terms of recruitment, we are actively recruiting personnel through referrals from the Group’s employees as well as reemploying those who once retired from the Group and have accumulated experience at other companies. We also provide a place for alumni, a network of retirees, to interact. 60% of employees regularly hold “1on1 Meeting,” an opportunity for one-onone dialogue between supervisors and their subordinates that started in fiscal 2021, aiming to foster human resources respecting the formation of individual careers. In addition, we have introduced some systems to encourage employees to acquire qualifications and online learning services to support their autonomous learning.
In fiscal 2022, we integrated our personnel system and personnel management system in order to realize optimal human resource management for the SBI Shinsei Bank Group’s major subordinate companies. We also actively promote personnel exchanges within the SBI Group and SBI Shinsei Bank Group by means such as open recruitment to correspond to the expanded businesses and to create synergies between both Groups.
The SBI Shinsei Bank Group aims to be a workplace where employees can grow through business and demonstrate strong results as a team, while choosing flexible and efficient ways of working according to their respective life stages and life events. We believe that respecting each other and demonstrating each other’s strengths by members with diverse backgrounds and values is the source for continually demonstrating strong organizational strengths even in an uncertain environment that changes day by day.

In order to continue to create sustainable value, the SBI Shinsei Bank Group aims to create an organization in which diverse human resources can play an active role and become a company in which each employee can work with satisfaction regardless of his or her age, gender, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or identity.
We are promoting the creation of a work environment in which employees can work with a sense of satisfaction and purpose in order to achieve continuous results, including the introduction of a remote work system, a self-time difference work system, a flextime system, a life support leave/time reduced working hours system, a three-day work week/ four-day work week system, and the complete abolition of dress codes. In order to push forward the promotion and utilization of diverse careers, we are helping to create an autonomous career that takes advantage of each individual’s strengths and individuality. For example, we became the first major bank to allow side/concurrent work, so that employees are able to link learning outside the company or in a place away from business for individual growth and organizational innovation.

(Note) Only employees satisfying certain conditions are eligible to take the systems noted below.

In April 2023, the five SBI Shinsei Bank Group companies* formulated an action plan based on the “Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next Generation Children and The Action Plan for Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life,” for three years starting in fiscal 2023. The Group set three common targets to create an environment and foster an organizational culture in which all employees at the Group can demonstrate their abilities and play an active role with reward while harmonizing their work and lifestyles.
* SBI Shinsei Bank, Ltd., APLUS Co., Ltd., Shinsei Financial Co., Ltd., Showa Leasing Co., Ltd., and Shinsei Investment & Finance Co., Ltd.
The SBI Shinsei Bank supports the “Declaration on Action by a Group of Male Leaders Who Will Create a Society in which Women Shine” advocated by the Cabinet Office. In addition, we are actively promoting women’s career through the signing of the Women’s Empowerment Principles. The Group Women’s Activity Promotion Committee, established in February 2018, is composed mainly of the top management of business divisions and directors of Group companies and is strongly driving the promotion of the active participation of women in the Group. In April 2022, we obtained the "Eruboshi (Stage 3)" certification based on our efforts and achievements in promoting the active participation of women.
The SBI Shinsei Bank Group held events and webinars for five days from March 6 to March 10, 2023, as “Women’s Week 2023,” in conjunction with the "International Women’s Day," which is held every year on March 8th, to learn and think about gender equality, women’s empowerment and D&I.
During the period, we held events to show support for gender equality such as using original web backgrounds, wearing yellow clothing, and posting of photographs associated with the International Women’s Day on Women’s Week 2023 community of the internal SNS. In addition, we invited Ms. Takako Masai, Chairperson, SBI Finance and Economy Research Institute, and held a lecture on D&I and the promotion of women’s participation entitled "My thoughts on Gender Equality --- To Live an Enriched Life." In the latter half of this lecture, a panel discussion was held by Ms. Masai, Katsuya Kawashima, President and CEO, Eisuke Terasawa, Director and Managing Executive Officer, Hiroko Adachi, Managing Executive Officer and Tomoko Ogawara, Executive Officer of the Bank. Participants actively exchanged views on the promotion of women’s participation. A networking opportunity of women leaders in the SBI Group and the SBI Shinsei Bank Group, with the attendees and the management team was held following the lecture.
In addition, we held the "Unconscious Bias" seminar using an online format, featuring Mr. Tomotaka Moriya, the president of the UNCONCIOUS BIAS LABORATORY, a general incorporated association, as a lecturer. Mr. Moriya gave a lecture about the meaning of unconscious bias, the impact of unconsus bias, and how to deal with it.

Aiming to create an organizational climate in which sexual minority employees can work with peace of mind, we are enhancing our personnel and welfare systems and installing consultation desks, as well as conducting training for all employees and promoting alignment activities.
In November 2024, major SBI Shinsei Bank Group companies received the highest "Gold" in PRIDE Index, an index for evaluating efforts by voluntary group “work with Pride” which promotes to improve workplace environments for LGBTQ and other sexual minorities, for three consecutive years.

There are 95 people with disabilities working in various SBI Shinsei Bank Group workplaces (as of April 2023), based on the idea that individuals with diverse values should be able to harness their individuality and work together in the same workplace, rather than separating people with disabilities from those without disabilities. In October 2020, we joined the Accessibility Consortium (ACE) established with the aim of setting up a new model for the employment of people with disabilities. In March 2021, the Group endorsed “The Valuable 500”, an international initiative to promote the active participation of people with disabilities.
The SBI Shinsei Bank Group is working to maintain and improve the health of employees and create a safe and comfortable working environment in cooperation with the Health Committee and industrial health, in accordance with laws related to occupational health and safety. The health management promotion section of the Group Human Resources Division is working to promote employees’ health management. Each Group company’s health management committee, the Health Management Promotion Committee, and the Health Insurance Association are actively involved in collaborating with the Health Development Center, industrial physicians, and public health nurses to create a viable system. We have formulated the SBI Shinsei Bank Group Health and Management Declaration to further promote healthy management, in order to create a workplace environment in which employees can work happily and with satisfaction both mentally and physically and are able to demonstrate their abilities. We are also promoting health management by holding regular walking events using smartphone apps co-sponsored by the Health Insurance Association and conducting mental health training after stress checks. In 2021, 2022, and 2023, we were certified as an "the outstanding organizations in Health & Productivity Management."